Melgar Prayer
Oh, good God, we thank You for one more opportunity that You give us to share the blessings, experiences and knowledge that by Your grace we have received through this beautiful sport.
We feel joy and gladness in giving not because we have much but because we know what it feels like to have nothing.
If Your presence accompanies us we are sure and convinced that whatever we propose and undertake, even if we find on the way obstacles, adversities, limitations and oppositions, You will always give us the Victory in every situation, no matter the circumstances.
Teach us to work as a team, being complementary to one another, each one contributing what we have received from Your hand.
Bless the directors, coaches and collaborators of this foundation. Melgar is a glimpse of God for those who need an opportunity and a comprehensive training to make a difference in a society that has lost the principles and values, with your help, good God, we have the guarantee and security that we will find the integral growth of every child, adolescent and youth of Honduras.
May You always be Lord Jesus the center of this foundation, we depend on your grace, love, mercy and goodness.
With your favor we will continue to CHANGE DESTINIES….
And whatever you do, do it from the heart, as for the Lord and not for men.
– Colossians 3:23