Changing destinies
through football
We provide a better future
for low-income children in Honduras.

About Us
We are a non-profit institution, located in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, whose mission is to train children with high principles, moral and spiritual values, capable of undertaking and developing to the maximum their dreams and aspirations away from drugs, alcohol, crime and other scourges that impoverish societies.
About the Project

Our Mission
To be an exemplary, competitive institution, forging young people with high moral principles and spiritual values, capable of undertaking and developing their dreams and aspirations to the fullest, away from drugs, alcohol, crime and other scourges that impoverish societies.
Our Vision
Within a 10-year period we want to give back to our society young people capable of performing successfully in different sports, work and cultural environments, potentiating their talents and providing all necessary tools and logistics for a well-rounded education.
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